Our next outing will be on Monday 1st May with a guided walk and the opportunity for a picnic on the Castle lawn. You and your family just arrive at Shanganagh Castle on the Bray Road) at 11:00 am, park your car and if you wish to leave your picnic in same or in the allotments prefab. The walk will start from the Castle and will include a talk , by Rob Goodbody at Old Rathmichael Church and Graveyard and Rathmichael Ring Fort. The walk should take approximately 2 hours but unfortunately the ground is not buggy friendly, and back to the Castle for your picnic (weather permitting). We hope to have fresh tea or coffee available in the prefab and if you bring your own wine we can put it in the fridge for you.
If for your own good reasons, you can’t take part in the walk, you’re welcome to bring along your picnic at 2pm. Alternatively you can order your picnic lunch from Bradys (Tel: 2820153 then press 2 ) or One Café (Tel: 2826139) before 5pm on the 29th and it will be awaiting you at the Castle on your return from the walk.