A new Tidy Towns year has started off with our recent Public Meeting held in October. At the meeting, residents were given an overview of our work in 2017 and our plans for 2018. We discussed our results in the competitions and it’s clear that to improve our position we will need a lot more volunteers and 2 new Committee member. Thanks to all who attended and to the 2 Gardai who attended and answered your concerns about anti-social behaviour and crime in the area.
We have a lot of ideas for 2018 ourselves but any bright ideas you may have are always welcome. The response to our Annual Envelope Appeal will dictate the success of our plans for this year along with the availability of sufficient “willing hands”. So we hope to proceed with the idea of creating a number of small sub-groups in each estate/road where the main Tidy Towns will do the “heavy lifting” and the local group will do the on-going maintenance. If you would be interested in setting up a Residents Association in your area to work with Tidy Towns we’d love to hear from you. You can email us on Shankillmatters.ie.
Just a reminder of our Community Walk on Bank Holiday Monday 30th October (4 Castles and a Corn Mill) starting at 11:30 from Shanganagh Castle. We’re holding our annual Table quiz night in the Tennis Club on Quinns Road on Friday 17th November at 8pm. Both events should be very enjoyable and are worthy of your support – come along & bring a friend – The more the merrier.
We’d like to take the opportunity to thanks those residents who helped us with the watering and planting during the summer.
Don’t forget another way to support us is to buy our beautiful Shankill Calendar which will be on sale shortly.